Tangible past: introduction to built heritage studies (PPK-EKTI:4)
The Institute of People-Environment Transaction launches a new optional course in the spring semester of 2022 to provide a value-based overview of built heritage as a synthesis and expression of social identity.
The course intends to introduce the concept and issues related to built heritage and the methods and efforts to protect, interpret and innovatively utilize architectural heritage as a resource. We’ll consider what these physical remnants of the past are, how we can value, preserve and use these and how they can become drivers of economy and society.
The course provides a values-based overview of fundamental concepts in heritage studies and practices: the history, challenges and current trends in the conservation and valuation of historic buildings and sites in Hungary and abroad, instruments of heritage recognition and inscription. We will hear and discuss thought-provoking topics on the management and monitoring of built cultural heritage, its adaptive reuse, the non-traditional innovative ideas of heritage as a contributor to economic and social development, community involvement and even well-being. The course explores these concepts and practices with reference to concrete examples of heritage issues in the contemporary world. The lectures will be brought to you by an interdisciplinary team of built heritage practitioners and academics from all over the world, including Belgium, Poland, UK, Japan, USA and Ecuador.
The course will run on Thursdays 10:00-11:30
Some lectures will be online and some offline in KAZY.
Earnable credits: 4
Course code: PPK-EKTI:4